Monday, 24 March 2014

PHP Training in Vadodara

Why PHP ?

php web development due to its increasing advantages, its demand is growing in web development field. It is essential that business developers are aware of PHP development to realize their choices better. Along with Linux and MySQL the technology has appeared as one of the most helpful and free web programming platforms. Whether you need a simple website or a mighty database in the backend, a forum location or a client amicable content administration scheme, PHP offers you everything and that are free, except for charges of PHP developers. If a business unit requests a complete and purposeful website for lesser value then PHP Web development is the eventual choice.

The IT experts at Paceinfonet Web Solution Pvt Ltd have extensive experience and knowledge of LAMP | WAMP technologies and other open source software, and can quickly built web and batch processing applications in the areas of Content Management Systems, e-Commerce, Business Directoies, Forums, Marketing, Sales and Workflow Systems, Transport and many others.

PHP Training in Vadodara

PHP MySql Training in Vadodara

PHP, a opensource powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages, is the widely-used, free and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft’s ASP .Net

Why PHP Live training at Paceinfonet Web Solution Pvt Ltd – Vadodara ?

The professional PHP training can’t provide by an institute. You can get it by an IT Company only.

Paceinfonet Web Solution Pvt Ltd have many satisfied clients with PHP and MySql web application development. Please check few of our latest websites developed using PHP, MySQL, Prestashop and WordPress.

We have designed special PHP course with practical knowledge of dynamic website creation jobs. Here you will learn about PHP in a very simple way, and how to execute scripts on your server.

PHP & MySQL are two of the most popular open source technologies to emerge during the past decade. PHP is a powerful language for writing server-side Web applications. MySQL is the world’s most popular open source database. Together, these two technologies provide you a powerful platform for building database-driven Web applications.

PHP & MySQL training course in Vadodara by IT Company. Our Expert Developer teach you everything they need to build data-driven Web sites using PHP & MySQL successfully.

WordPress Training in Vadodara

WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website. It’s both free and priceless at the same time.

Ecommerce (Prestashop) Training in Vadodara

Prestashop is web software you can use to create a beautiful Ecommerce website. It’s both free and priceless at the same time. Ecommerce website is most demanded in current time. e.g flipkart.

 For Further Information Please email us on Or call us on 0265 3006513

PHP Training in Vadodara

Final Year Project training in vadodara

“Paceinfonet Web Solution Pvt Ltd” is pioneer in providing the Software Training,Corporate Training,Web Development,Web Based Softwares and Web Hosting.

The ” Paceinfonet Web Solution Pvt Ltd ” is an acknowledged leader in providing high quality and affordable IT training for companies and individuals in the field, Our accomplished team has expert knowledge and a vast experience of the IT industry; so we can assist you to make the correct decision about the course you need to improve your career choices.

We Share a podium to the students to work with professionals on our Live Projects.

“Paceinfonet Web Solution Pvt Ltd” Announce Complete Final Year Training for Final Semester BCA / MCA/ IT students, We train exclusively PHP & MySQL, Joomla, Ecommerce & WordPress in our Lab. We gives you Opportunity to work on LIVE Project for Complete Industrial Experience. “We’re recruiting programmers in Our Development Team out of best trainees .” In short Best candidates can have opportunity to get their First Job in our Company while your training.

Final Year Project training

For Further Information Please email us on Or call us on 0265 3006513

Final Year Project training in vadodara

Only Display Certain Categories in a Menu

In many cases, users only want to display certain categories in their navigation menu at the top of the page. There are limited spots, that can only be filled by top categories, but if you use the default wp_list_categories code, it will show all categories. This is why this hack below comes in very handy when you want to create a navigation menu and only display certain categories.

Only Display Certain Categories in a Menu


<ul style="float:left; width:730px;">
<?php wp_list_categories('orderby=name&include=7,9,19,16,1,5,17,23'); ?>

Note, you can also change the ‘include’ text to ‘exclude’ and show all categories and exclude those that you don’t want displayed. The numbers displayed in the code are the category IDs.

Remember since WordPress shows categories in a list format, you will need to edit the CSS in order to make it work.

Only Display Certain Categories in a Menu

Friday, 14 March 2014

Convert a Menu to a Dropdown

How To convert any menu into drop down ? Are You Confuse …..? We see here example how we convert menu to dropdown

We’ll create a dynamic menu that converts to a dropdown when viewed on a small screen.

In below screen you just see normal menu.


If your see it on 960px on your screen resolution you can see.




Here we attached sample code that how it was work….Also if you understand that code you know how responsive site work

Download Sample Code

Thank You……… ;)

Convert a Menu to a Dropdown

jQuery Map Marker Plugin

jQuery Map Marker Plugin makes it easy to put multiple markers on Map using Google Map API V3.

Map Marker is very useful when you have a list of data & you want to show all of them on Map too.

Like most of the jQuery plugins, this plugin is very straight forward to setup.

It has some nice options & uses JSON formatted data for every Locations.

Also make note that you must have to pass the Location values using Lattitude & Longitude co-ordinates of the that Location (due to Google map API limitation).


Below steps will make more sense of using this plugin.

Step-1 : Include necessary JS files in your <head> tag

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/mapmarker.jquery.js"></script>

Step-2 : Create a Map container using divtag & give it an ID in your html body

<div id="map" style="width: 550px; height: 450px; border: 2px solid red;"></div>

Step-3 : Apply the Plugin to the Map element using below code. Put the code before closing </head>tag

<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[

//set up markers
var myMarkers = {"markers": [
{"latitude": "31.42866311735861", "longitude":"-98.61328125", "icon": "img/house.png", "baloon_text": 'This is <strong>Texas</strong>'},
{"latitude": "35.101934057246055", "longitude":"-96.6796875", "icon": "img/castle.png", "baloon_text": 'This is <strong>Oklahoma</strong>'},
{"latitude": "38.61687046392973", "longitude":"-98.876953125", "icon": "img/house.png", "baloon_text": 'This is <strong>Kansas</strong>'}

//set up map options
zoom : 5,
center : 'United States',
markers : myMarkers

// ]]></script>

 Each locations will include 4 entities.

1. latitude – latitude of the location

2. longitude – longitude of the location

3. icon – a custom icon to display on map as marker (16 x 16 pixels size)

4. baloon_text – a Text to display in a Baloon on map when clicked on that specific Marker. You can also use this text in HTML format. Make sure you use single quotes(‘) only for HTML format baloon text.

Use below link if you want to get latitude & longitude

Additionally, there are 2 more options which you can set on Map.

1. zoom – to set default zoom level of the Map. Increase the value to zoom-in & Decrease the value to zoom-out

2. center – to specify the center location of the Map. Make sure the center location address you enter is spelled properly.

3. markers – this will be simply the Markers variable we created, here it is “myMarkers”

Step-4 : That’s All


Demo and Download code go to below site

jQuery Map Marker Plugin